Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Feeling sad is really a helpless feeling. You want to feel happy and even at times you do feel happy but the sense of sadness is there all the same. You smile, go through the motions of daily tasks, but deep down where no one sees but you feel very strongly you are sad.

I've begun reading a book entitled Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a relentless God by Francis Chan. I'm going very slowly - in fact I've been reading Chapter One for three days - its not that long but I just keep pausing and listening and waiting. Waiting for what? I guess a voice, a sense of presence, something to help me with the deep sadness. I would love to hear Francis Chan speak in person - for now I'm watching videos on his website.

I think I'll do a study on sadness. Look up verses where God tells of people who are sad. Why are they sad? What turns them around? Create a doorway for God to speak to me through His word.

Summer is half way over ... school supplies are already appearing in the stores. Rush - everything is rushed on to the next thing.

Sadness - I think I shall ponder this emotion for quite awhile.

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