Friday, October 23, 2009

New Home...

If all goes as planned we will be moving over Thanksgiving...I am shocked, amazed and generally just overwhelmed. It is something we have all wanted for years but never thought it would happen and yet we love our home and always will.

The last five months have been difficult to say the least but lately just coming into the house has been so very hard. Then with the break in on October 5th - life has seem different. After talking with each of the children we (Jay and I) were led to look for a home and then see what we would do with my mom who lives next door. Pretty overwhelming tasks.

We found a house we LOVED and is available now - we did the back and forth offering and counter offering with dear sweet Kate Black at our sides and Jack and Lisa Kody's prayer and support and we came to an agreement two days later.

I talked with my mom - she visited a retirement community - fell in love with it and is moving after November 1. She is scared and excited all at the same time but it will be such a blessing for her to have the social contacts she has so missed since moving to Greensboro. Her parking lot is 3.6 miles from our new driveway - I know because we clocked it. She would have liked to move in with us but we both agreed that wasn't best for anyone and would just put her in another house alone during the day while we are gone.

We are scheduled to close 11/20 and I plan to cook a turkey in my new oven...I will even be able to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher - something I haven't had in 20 years.

The Lord is working out so many details. He is in control and that is good - the move will be very difficult - prayers and lots of help will be needed but we feel confident and blessed in this journey.

Thank you Lord...Life may be hard - but God is so good.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weddings....happy days

Sometimes the Lord just blesses you with a wonderful event - a wedding. We had the privilege of witnessing the marriage of two precious friends on Saturday - it was probably the most touching, funny, happy and most blessed event I have ever attended. I cried, I laughed and I got to see precious friends. Thank you Lord for giving me this moment of joy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pam remains...

Well Monday was interesting to say the least. Our home was broken into while Bryce, Kirsten and Mollie were asleep upstairs. Bryce came downstairs and that scared them off with a few odds and ends plus Kirsten's laptop but they didn't harm him or the girls and for that we are so very thankful.

Over the years when break-ins have occured in our neighborhood, Pam would always tell the children that they were safe upstairs and that she would not let anyone get past her room. Well these intruders came in through "Pam's" bathroom window - went through her closet to her bedroom and this where Bryce discovered them. They ran out through the laundry room door and did not ever get into any other part of the house. So the Lord must have built a protective wall around our children yesterday and allowed Pam's commitment to keep them safe in tact.

It's hitting me today what could have happened - how awful it could have been and just how blest we are in the midst of yet another major life event. Lord, we are in need of a time of rest, please.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well it's officially fall and now it officially feels like it! Cool mornings - nice evenings and more missing Pam. She loved fall... I'm looking at the flower garden I have tried to keep alive since May and wondering if I'm supposed to be doing something? Guess I can pull up those annuals that have finally said "I'm Done" and maybe I'll plant some pansies. That would be new - Pam didn't usually plant those. I'm trying to keep the flower beds nice for her and yet make them my own.

Jay is busy dismantling the pool. Big messy job! We are going set up a fire pit for the fall/winter. We hope to have some winner roasts/s'mores with friends, family and may the scout troop.

Jay has had a hard week - One of his co-workers and dear friends was laid off. He is sad and feeling guilty that he still has a job. It is a double edged sword - you feel guilty and thankful at the same time.

Mollie gets information on her dream of going to Disneyland for an internship today. I'm praying she will know the Lord's will for her in this endeavor and that I will be silent and let her find her way.

We are visiting a different church. It is hard - we miss our dear friends at 5:14 - but I just take a deep breath and press on. I don' t like this place I am in but as I was talking with a co-worker today I have to keep reminding myself God really IS in control.

Thank you Lord for the seasons - I love fall until all the leaves are fallen and leave the barren trees - this always makes me sad. Then I can pray for snow :)....