Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well it's officially fall and now it officially feels like it! Cool mornings - nice evenings and more missing Pam. She loved fall... I'm looking at the flower garden I have tried to keep alive since May and wondering if I'm supposed to be doing something? Guess I can pull up those annuals that have finally said "I'm Done" and maybe I'll plant some pansies. That would be new - Pam didn't usually plant those. I'm trying to keep the flower beds nice for her and yet make them my own.

Jay is busy dismantling the pool. Big messy job! We are going set up a fire pit for the fall/winter. We hope to have some winner roasts/s'mores with friends, family and may the scout troop.

Jay has had a hard week - One of his co-workers and dear friends was laid off. He is sad and feeling guilty that he still has a job. It is a double edged sword - you feel guilty and thankful at the same time.

Mollie gets information on her dream of going to Disneyland for an internship today. I'm praying she will know the Lord's will for her in this endeavor and that I will be silent and let her find her way.

We are visiting a different church. It is hard - we miss our dear friends at 5:14 - but I just take a deep breath and press on. I don' t like this place I am in but as I was talking with a co-worker today I have to keep reminding myself God really IS in control.

Thank you Lord for the seasons - I love fall until all the leaves are fallen and leave the barren trees - this always makes me sad. Then I can pray for snow :)....

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