Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pam remains...

Well Monday was interesting to say the least. Our home was broken into while Bryce, Kirsten and Mollie were asleep upstairs. Bryce came downstairs and that scared them off with a few odds and ends plus Kirsten's laptop but they didn't harm him or the girls and for that we are so very thankful.

Over the years when break-ins have occured in our neighborhood, Pam would always tell the children that they were safe upstairs and that she would not let anyone get past her room. Well these intruders came in through "Pam's" bathroom window - went through her closet to her bedroom and this where Bryce discovered them. They ran out through the laundry room door and did not ever get into any other part of the house. So the Lord must have built a protective wall around our children yesterday and allowed Pam's commitment to keep them safe in tact.

It's hitting me today what could have happened - how awful it could have been and just how blest we are in the midst of yet another major life event. Lord, we are in need of a time of rest, please.


  1. Wow. I sure am glad that everyone is ok!!! So sorry to hear about this. Life just never seems to let up sometimes huh? Love and miss you guys very much! Sorry to not get to speak to you much at the wedding. Next event we will have to have a sit down.

  2. Leia...we miss you too so very much. You are so smart - that is exactly how I felt - life just never lets up sometimes:) I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much at the wedding either. You looked so pretty! So did Zuri and of course your beautiful mom...love you- connie
