Monday, January 18, 2010

Blooming Cactus...

Isn't it amazing how a single blooming flower can bring memories flooding to your mind? Well we now have four blooming cactus in our home. I don't believe all four have EVER bloomed at the same time. These plants are Pam's and I've struggled to keep them living over the past eight months. Yes, eight months ago today, Pam was still with us - suffering great pain from a back injury and little did we know, she was slowly leaving us and joining her life with Jesus. She loved her plants and was always so pleased when her cactus bloomed. Now I wonder, does she see these beautiful flowers that decorate my kitchen greenhouse window? I hope the Lord is letting her see them and that is she proud of me keeping them alive. I think these blooms are a part of God's confirmation that our move was totally within His will for us.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy New Year...

What will 2010 bring to our family? If I'm sure of one thing it is that it will bring change - chaos - and surprises. I would like just one day of nothing...hmmm.

Mollie is dropping out of UNCG - I'm scared for her but she is making her own choices. I have to be quiet - well sort of quiet - how about quiet for ME? She wants to enroll in an online school to major in Music Business? Full Sail college out of Florida - anyone ever hear of it? Not me - Lord help me know when to speak and when to be silent.

Bryce is applying to teach English in France come September. He is giving me 9 months to prepare for this - yeah like that's going to happen. If the France position doesn't come through he is applying to return to Spain - so either way he is headed overseas come fall - leaving me home with THREE GIRLS!

Kirsten 0h Kirsten. Not sure what she's going to do.

Ashley is good other than some stomach issues. We are trying to figure these out but for the most part she is a typical 13 year old GIRL...if there is such a thing.

Jay - needs to go to the doctor - his knee is really bothering but he has to do it. I can't make him or can I?

We are nearly at the eight month mark of living without Pam. I had a fretful wake up this past Tuesday when I heard myself screaming Jay's name the way I did on May 19th. I'm in survival mode most of the time and long for enjoying life mode.

We must get the house on Florida Street on the market and SOLD. Please Lord encourage us to get this done....

May 2010 be kind to's started out so eventful - the earthquake in Haiti is on all our minds. I ask "why Lord" and I know He didn't "make" it happen - we live in a fallen world that is full of bad things. Let us feel your love and let us show your love to others, Lord.