Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day for sure...

Well it's good to be back at work, sort of, today. We accomplished much over the weekend. Jay and Ashley put down a laminate flooring in her room. Her room is an add-on that for over the last ten years was just a floor of plywood with an area rug. Now it is a beautifully cherry floor. She was so very excited to get this done before her 13th birthday this week.

Sunday was more a day of rest. We visited a church that has opportunities for Ashley and my mom to be with those their age. I'm not sure - we love our 5:14 family so very much - we are asking God to lead us to where he wants us to be. We were actually able to join our 5:14 family for lunch. It's really hard and a decision I really don't want to have to make - but I know mom was so very happy Sunday to have folks to talk with and Ashley enjoyed herself too. Lord, we seek your will for our lives...please guide us.

Monday was a holiday for us - Labor Day - and that is pretty much what we did. Jay is going to build shelves for our laundry room - one of my many items on the WISH LIST. As he began preparation we decided the old plywood floor should be upgraded in there too. So off to Home Depot where we purchased a flooring (not sure what you call it) that we began laying last night. We will probably be working on it for days to come. But we went to bed last night feelings good that we had started this - a project Pam would be so thrilled to see finally happen.

A dear friend's dad joined Pam in heaven on Friday. It was the friend we went to visit a couple of weeks ago - you know the one I wanted to give a message to so he could deliver it to Pam. Well I didn't make it back over to see him before he began his eternal journey - you would think by now I would have learned to not put things off. My heart aches for the family left behind - you are happy that the loved one is with his Lord but so very, very sad to not have them there to talk, laugh, cry and just be with to absorb all the wisdom they have to give.

This week will be hard - Ashley turns 13. She told me the other night she will be glad when it is over - she misses Pam and wishes she were here. Me too! I'm trying to pull off a big birthday party without my party planner. Watch over me Pam if you can hear my thoughts. This will be a tough one.

Well we've been through our first Labor Day without Pam - another first behind us. Hmmmmmmm.....

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