Friday, August 28, 2009

Will we know each other in heaven...

Last night I had the privilege of singing hymns with my family and friends to a dear sweet man who is dying of cancer. As he lay there with the look of pure enjoyment at our rag-tag attempt to sing old hymns - I was so touched. I also couldn't help but think of Pam now in heaven in a new body - one free from pain, sorrow and suffering - I so miss her and I'm not sure I'll ever be glad she is not with us but I am trying to focus on the beautiful promise of heaven.

I wanted to ask Mr. Uzzell to tell Pam hello upon his arrival in heaven and that we miss her. I have hard time understanding how he could deliver that message and Pam not be sad that she is not with us. Heaven is such a mystery to me. I can talk about wanting to go to heaven some day - I can imagine the idea of no pain or suffering but I can't comprehend how you can remember those you love and not be sad to be apart. I know it is all in the great mystery of God and his master plan but that's seems to be about all I can understand right now.

I can picture Pam with her dad. They were apart for nearly 30 years. She loved him so much - he would have loved being a grandad and I tease that he would have adored his only daughter-in-law (we never met). But how can they be together and not be sad at all the things they missed sharing together on earth during their separation? Mystery doesn't even begin to define this for me. But just maybe it will give me something new to study - ponder - and seek God's wisdom about.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of great books that you might find meaningful as you ponder heaven: "Things Unseen: Living with Eternity in Your Heart," by Mark Buchanan, and "Heaven," by Randy Alcorn.
