Monday, August 24, 2009

Tears that never seem to cease...

Yesterday was a teary day. Sometimes tears are a release - these were not. Everything just made me cry - an aching sort of cry that hurts. You know the kind that make your eye sockets feel like they are on fire? If you don't know what I'm talking about then count yourself fortunate. Everything bothered me - everyone bothered me - but being alone bothered me. Guess it was just a bad day! Tomorrow is Tuesday - the most dreaded day of my week. Maybe I shed Tuesday's tears on Sunday - maybe - that could be it but then I have shed tears today so I must still have more.

Mollie began school today at UNCG - she had a good day - praise the Lord! Ashley starts tomorrow - Lord let it be a good year please. Kirsten starts a part-time job on Thursday - let this be a blessing to her soul. Bryce is back home after a week of housesitting - yeah! All our children are safely in our humble nest.

Today is nearly over - at work at least. Then off to Ashley's open house!

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