Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The gift of snow

While many are grumbling about the mess the snow leaves behind, I've tried to simply enjoy God's provision to cause our busy lives to slow down. My sadness came from most of the snow falling during the night. I simply love watching it fall and working Friday night at the theatre stopped me from seeing the early snow and then bedtime stopped the night time. However, I did get up at 3 AM to see if I could see it but to no avail.
Why do we say we want snow and then when it comes we hate being shut in? Is it simply that we aren't ever satisfied? Is it simply because we always want what we don't have? I wish it were cold - I wish it were hot - I wish I wish I wish.

I simply wish to be thankful for the this moment - truly thankful and yes, that is very, very hard. I'm reading a book One Simple Act:Discovering the Power of Generosity and I'm taking it very slow - I've read only one chapter and I'm pondering the lists of suggestions at the end:

1. Every day make a list of five things you are grateful for daily

2. List one praise item daily

3. Be thankful for "fleas" in your life - you want to understand - read the book :)

My life seems so out of control in a very "controlled" way if that makes sense and most of time is spent laying in my bed closed off from the world but that is my safe haven right now after dinner is cooked and all is cleared in the kitchen.

I would love another snowed in weekend - maybe I could get motivated to work on my bedroom and get rid of those boxes that seem to multiply daily.

Today I praise the Lord for my husband who loves me now matter what...I am blest.

1 comment:

  1. Your desire to watch the snow falling resonates with me, Connie. That's the best part of getting snow, in my opinion! It's so quiet and peaceful to stop and to listen to the flakes falling softly on the ground...I've always loved it.

    Thanks for reminding us about the importance of being thankful for the moment instead of becoming anxious about what comes next. I am guilty of worrying about what is ahead instead of enjoying what has been given to me right now.

    Praying that you are continuing to heal. Love you -
