Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring? Are you there?

Is spring on it's way? As I look around our yard, there are signs everywhere. Being in a new house I have no idea what is planted beneath the cold surface of winter. I look forward to seeing what the spring will hold at our new home - there are crocus sticking their heads out of the ground, looks like maybe a few daffodils - we have a camellia bush which is one of my all time favorites at the corner of the house.
Yet yesterday it snowed - not a lot but it snowed and there is also the chance of more next week. It's been a cold wet winter and we haven't had one of those in a very long time. Maybe for me it was a gift from Pam - she knows I love snow. Maybe she asked God to give me the beautiful, peaceful snowy mornings that I have so enjoyed this winter. But as much as I love snow, she knows I love spring equally as well. I simply love to see flowers blooming and popping out everywhere. Perhaps this is why Pam's Christmas cactus continue to bloom in the kitchen window - I have been simply amazed at the longivity of their blooms.
Monday morning when I came downstairs I was greeted with a breath of spring on the kitchen counter. Kirsten left a note of thanks to me and gave me these beautiful tulips - oh I love tulips. I cried of course but it was a sweet cry of knowing that I am loved.
We may see more snow - many are crying enough already... but we have the assurance that spring will come, sooner or later it will arrive because God created it so.

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