Monday, March 1, 2010

New Knee!

Well we are ten days away from Jay's knee replacement surgery. He is getting anxious about this so I need to commit myself to praying without ceasing for him. He told me last week he was having second thoughts about the surgery, I asked him what was the alternative (I thought I knew the answer, I was right). He said there wasn't an alternative but he just knew there was so much work to do. The work he is referring to is at home - and at our old home. He worries about the old house and getting it sold, I do too but I know God will take care of us and I believe He put us in our new home for a purpose...a fresh start.


  1. Connie,

    We will be praying for Jay (and for you!), specifically against anxiousness. We love you guys. T&K

  2. Yet another opportunity to place your trust in something greater than yourself:) These opportunities just seem to never end huh?

  3. Yes, my facebook thought today is:

    Worry is like a rocking chair,
    It gives you something to do but you never get anwhere.

    Keep us in your prayers, please.
