Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week....

We find ourselves at the beginning of Holy Week. Last year Pam and Kirsten went to visit Bryce in Spain over spring break/Easter. So this Pam wasn't with me last Easter and it was so strange. I had no idea at the time that it was the first Easter I would celebrate without her here. I find myself really, really missing her. She made any holiday special - I am trying to continue some of our traditions. It's really hard on me and I sometimes just want to say no more - but I love the traditions our family has as much as she did.

Saturday we will dye eggs. Sunday after lunch we will have an egg hunt. Jay's mom suggested we not do it anymore - I was hurt. Yes, our kids are 23, 21, 20 and 13 but when the older ones were 13 they had an egg hunt - I won't give up this tradition at least for the sake of my Ashley. I think the older ones enjoy it too! So the egg hunt will just change locations...from Nana's to our new home. So I'm learning we can continue old traditions with a slight change.

Jay is getting better and I am so glad. He had a very rough time with his knee. I was getting really depressed about it. Lack of sleep can really do a number on you. I just keep telling myself that once he heals this surgery will be something we are both glad he did.

The yard looks so beautiful with flowers blooming. I love allergies don't but I love seeing how green the grass is after a rain and all the beautiful bulbs popping up and blooming. We are going to try to have a small garden this year. Bryce has planted some seeds and they are sprouting and growing.

Kirsten is planning a trip to the Dominican Republic to attend a wedding. I think getting away will be really good for her. Upon her return she must learn to drive...that will be no fun I'm afraid.

Happy Easter - Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to die and rise for me. Happy Easter Pam - enjoy your celebration at the feet of Jesus. We will miss you so much as the kids run through the yard hunting eggs.

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